Sunday, May 16, 2010

365 Days

This is the part of my blog where I get to be fun and show you what a year in my life looks like, so get ready!

February 8, 2011-Preparing for the next big snow storm, I decided to make comfort food at its finest. It might not look fancy but this buttermilk baked chicken was delicious and I am now feel fully prepared to stay inside for 2 days.

February 7, 2011-This is one of the biggest reasons I love Oklahoma. After spending a week trapped inside because of the incredible snow storm, the sun finally came out and everything looked beautiful with the sparkle of the snow that was still there. I met Lori and Lisa for dinner tonight and got to Lake Hefner a little early to capture these.

February 6, 2011-Looking from the outside of my parents house, one might have thought it was a national holiday and in all reality my father probably considers it a national holiday, however, today was Superbowl Sunday!!!! The Packers versus the Steelers this year and even though my family is not a huge fan of either you would have never known that listening to the yelling inside the house for 4 solid hours. This is my dad's pride and joy, we will call her Bertha for now.

February 5, 2011-Picking back up from where I left off in October, today my sister and I went to see the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, at her book signing. Such a wonderful person! Check her out at! However, we did not actually get our books signed because after 3 hours of waiting which included consuming way more chips and salsa than humanly possible, we gave up. BUT we did get this picture of Ree's husband from behind!

October 29,2010- Lauren and I decided to go eat at Pearls tonight for dinner, being from Boston she had never tried it and of course the food was amazing. On our way to dinner, Lori called and said she had two extra free tickets to the George Jones concert tonight...yah I didn't know who he was either. So after some major coaxing, I got Lauren (the non-country girl) to go with me! Here is a link just in case you want to catch up on the last 79 years of his life. . We were definitely the youngest people there by about 40 years but as every other concert I've been to with Lori, it ended up being a lot of fun. Our night wasn't even dampened by Lori getting yelled at for singing to the songs too loudly!

October 28, 2010-I began the Halloween cupcake extravaganza at 11 pm tonight but I'm sure the sugary goodness will be worth it tomorrow!

October 27, 2010-Since the weather is beginning to get much colder, I thought it was time to invest in the moccasin looking slippers. Some days, it's the really small things that make me happy.

October 26, 2010-Strata Leadership, LLC had the wonderful opportunity to host Dr. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch today and show the PBS documentary "Doing Virtuous Business," where Kimray, Inc. is one of the highlighted companies. While Nathan and Christie were being grownups, I had the pleasure of not getting to be one with their kids! We went on a mall adventure to try and find red high heels to go with my Cruella Devil costume for Saturday's Halloween party and I was forced into the Disney Store (or maybe it wasn't that forced).

October 25, 2010-On Saturday the Re Pub Club decided to do a Habitat for Humanity project and I volunteered to be a part of it. Having never built a house before, I was not exactly sure what to expect but had heard of a lot of people helping out in the past so I had talked myself into it being not very difficult. Sitting on my couch 2 days later and still in mega pain from hammering nails into wood for 6 hours, I have an entirely new appreciation for construction workers. My desk job is not actually that bad after all. Here are the before and after pictures!

Now you understand why I STILL can't move! Don't judge.

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