1. Sleeping is overrated; there are 24 hours in a day, every single one of them should be spent doing something productive.
While at Camp Arapal, aka the goat farm and children's home, we have started each day at 6 am with a morning devotional. However, when I am on my way to the devo, there are already guys that have been awake for an hour at least that have been bringing water back and forth from the Cave so everyone will have enough water for the day and the goat farmers in the area will have some as well. These guys are the same ones I see at midnight who are still haning out with the group and having fun. I will never know how they do it but I am so thankful for their devotion to this place and the peope in it.
2. Everyone needs a Gemma.

Gemma is one of a kind, she has been my fill in mom while I have been here and has looked out for me the entire time. The other day we went to a water co-op, what was not explained before was that we would be hiking to the cave that the water came from, which ended up being very dangerous. I will try to explain what the climb was like in few words so as not to scare future visitors; however, it might be the hardest thing I have ever done physically. It was definitely harder than the half marathons I have been a part of and a lot more physically grueling than any tennis match I have every played. The ascent and descent were straigt up and down and were very rocky with gravel falling in all directions. I slipped probably 15 different times and Gemma held my hand almost the entire way. I was never in a real threat of dying but my heart was racing as though I was and Gemma was always helping me even though she was in flip flops!
3. Rice really can go with anything and everything.
But seriously, everything. The first morning we were at the camp, we had rice with pork chops for breakfast. Then for lunch I believe it was rice and scrambled eggs and for dinner one night rice with squid. Funny story with the squid, Peter had made some coffee for himself and thought he set it on the main table, he took a drink of the cup on the table and realized it was extra squid juice that had been reserved as a sauce for the rest of the rice. Nice one Peter. Back to the rice though, I have not eaten a meal yet without rice in it somewhere. Good thing I love rice!
4. If 30 people want to go somewhere together, they can fit in one 5 passenger truck...that's what the roof and truck bed are for.
My very first ride in the Philippines was from the airport, as we crammed into the happy blue bus I thought, "Wow, this is a lot of stuff and a lot of people crammed in here." I had no idea...yesterday, we decided to do a night swim at the beach because it would be our last day with all of these people. So, all 30 of us packed into a truck with 3 people sitting in the front seat and everyone else was either in the bed of the truck or on top and rode like this from Camp Arapal to the beach. It was all worth it though because when we got there not only did we have our own private beach, they built a fire and cooked out out right there on the sand!
5. It's ok to sing ANYWHERE!
Every single one of the people at Camp Arapal sings all the time, I'm not just talking about when we are in church or maybe when we are all just sitting around, I mean everywhere. One night we were on our way back from visiting goat farms all day and the 3 girls next to me sang at the top of their lungs the entire way back. Everything from Celiene Dion to Beyonce to New Reign. Yes, they love New Reign. They know every song ever made!!! One of their favorites is "We are the World," which has undoubtedly gotten stuck in my head about a dozen times now. They have beautiful voices and are always so happy when they are singing.
6. The definition of family has nothing to do with blood line
I'm not sure I can explain this adequately but the people at Camp Arapal are one huge family. They love each other and laugh with each other all day every day. This isn't just a place where people go for a while, this is home for many, their love and commitment to each other is astonishing. I don't think I have ever seen anything so pure before. What I have been a part of is such a great example of people living 1 Corinthians 13.
Recap of the last 6 days:
1. First leadership seminar went great, in fact over the next few days we would be doing something at the camp and one of the leadership qualities that I had talked about came up in discussion.
2. I accidentally saw 2 goats born at Gemma's paretns house; therefore, Ben and I now have goats named after us. :)
3. My speaking tour officially starts on Friday, over those next 3 days I will speak to 4 different audiences, prayers still appreciated.
4. I have so many stories that I think I will just write a book entitled, "No Goats No Glory."
5. Salvador Cariaga may be one of the greatest leaders of our time, you should get to know him. Peter isn't so bad either. :)
6. I ate a fish that still had a head.
7. This is one reason a piece of my heart stayed at Camp Arapal.