Tuesday, May 18, 2010


As I start this blog there are a few things that I needed to get out at the beginning (and for those of you who know me, you are probably not surprised). I like to think this is the start of a new chapter, I love having firsts in my life, it keeps things exciting and interesting. The other day I went to my first CD release party, did not know the guy singing or what his new CD was but I was excited nonetheless because it was a first. I find myself looking at life as one giant bucket list...so for those of you lucky enough to deal with my bucket list mentality, I'm truly sorry but so thankful to have you in my life.

Go back with me for a second to your first big vacation. Mine was when I was in third grade and my parents decided to take my sister and I to Disney World. Now for a child, this is pretty much the mother of all vacations. From what I know about parenthood, (which is not much, seeing as that I have no children), when you are able to give your children the gift of Disney World you might as well have won the Olympic Gold because you have just become the coolest parents in the world and really that is the most important thing in parenting. :) I digress, but thinking back to that trip, I could not have been more excited, not because I loved Disney characters or because I was excited to be in Florida but because it was a first and everything was so new and unknown.

This past Christmas, my family went back to Disney World, almost 16 years later, (wow I'm getting old) and I was almost disappointed. Nothing had really changed so it wasn't like I was mad at Walt for taking away my favorite roller coaster or musical attraction. In fact there were several things that were way better than before, (including my picture with Pocahonatas) but I still found myself not as thrilled to be there. I had already had that first and all the trips after were not going to be the same.

This is the point where I am supposed to say that dealing with the day to day mundane parts of life is the adult thing to do and that you can't always have firsts....but I would be lying if I told you that's what I actually think. What we have been blessed with in terms of the ability to make money, the ability to choose our life and to have support from the people around us is not normal. Let me say this again, if you have one of those three that I mentioned above, your life is not normal compared to the rest of the world. You have been given a gift and the way I see it, this gift is for you to do what you wish as long as you are glorifying God in that decision.

Not only is this my first blog, but more importantly it marks what I hope to be an important venture that helps me to see more fully what God has in store for my life. Now for those of you who are looking for the same, you don't have to fly all the way to the Philippines to achieve that, but I can't seem to make big decisions without big events. I do know that God sent me on this trip for a reason and I can't wait to see what he does while I am here.

So today or tomorrow, while you are sitting at your desk on Facebook, (because I know all of you are doing that, I mean how else would you have seen my blog?) take a second and think of a first to accomplish, if you can't think of anything, ask me, I have tons of firsts that I need to cross off, maybe we can do one of them together...at the very least call your parents and tell them you love them and are thankful for what they have done for you to be able to have the option of firsts....and since I said that, thanks for reading this mom. :)

Now off to the goat farm for 6 days!


  1. Piper - You're going to do a great job. I'm praying that God will place on your heart the right words that will encourage and inspire those who will be in the audience. :-)


  2. Well said, my FIRST child!
